Site hoardings and temporary fencing are a crucial part of the construction industry. We can provide temporary setups using standard weldmesh panels to steel hoarding, these have the benefits of timber hoarding with the rapid erection and versatile benefits of temporary mesh fencing. The system can be offered in a basic galvanised finish or in a polyester powder coated colour to match a corporate image.

We also supply and install timber hoarding on sites where it is to be erected for a longer period of time. We can meet all specifications required for the hoarding that you need.


Versatility & Benefits

Hoarding can be a temporary or long-term installation and may be free-standing, or built into the site. It is important that it is structurally stable, as it can be exposed to strong wind loads, or impact. For these reasons, site hoardings are very beneficial to construction sites. They are usually erected around a building site to protect the general public from any dangerous site works.

A site hoarding, much like temporary fencing, is a temporary perimeter designed to shield a construction or building site for the safety of the general public and workers on site. Unlike temporary fencing, which utilises mesh, a site hoarding system generally comprises of solid panels making visibility of the construction site impossible for passing foot traffic, ideal for ensuring equipment is not visible and therefore more likely to be stolen from building sites.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 state that unauthorised access must be prevented. This means construction sites require a protective boundary. For small sites, a barrier might be suitable but larger sites need a solid wood or metal hoarding. They are great to enhance security around your construction area. It needs to be high enough, obscure works to deter thieves and control access to the site so it can’t be easily scaled, as well as secure so it can’t be knocked down.

As an additional bonus, they are very handy for any advertising that you may wish to do.


Hoarding must be regularly inspected to ensure its continued integrity, and may be modified during the course of construction works as site requirements change.
